The Green School for Boys

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The Safe Form

This form is available for you to report any concerns you have with regards to your safety and well-being - whether in or out of school.  The form will be monitored by the Safeguarding Team.  Any initial reports will be treated as confidential between the student(s) reporting and members of the Safeguarding Team, one of whom will contact you to follow up and take any appropriate action necessary asap.  It is possible that further action may require passing on information to other responsible adults if there is a concern regarding your personal safety or the safety of others.  Should this be necessary, it will be discussed with you in detail by a member of the safeguarding team.

The Green School Sixth Form, Green School for Boys and Green School for Girls want to create a safe space for all our students and staff.  Bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct and all forms of discrimination have no place in The Green School Trust and we want to take action to support anyone who feels that they have been a victim of these behaviours.  Similarly, we are here to support you if you have any concerns with regard to your personal safety or emotional welfare.

Please use this form to report any concerns that you may have.

The Safe Form