The Green School for Boys

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About Us

 The Green School for Boys opened in September 2017 with an initial Year 7 cohort of 120 students and will grow by one cohort each year until eventually the school has boys from Year 7 to Year 13. At full capacity we will cater for up to 150 boys in each school year, small enough to know every boy by name, large enough to provide a broad curriculum and a variety of teaching styles.

The Green School for Boys is located directly opposite the Green School for Girls. It meets the needs for new secondary school places in Hounslow and surrounding boroughs as well as providing the additional choice of a Church of England school for boys.

The Green School for Boys is a Green School Trust School, as is The Green School for Girls. This means that the historically excellent education on offer at The Green School for Girls can be extended to boys. In addition The Green School for Boys will have a distinct learning culture inspiring all boys to reach beyond their grasp.  The close proximity of the two schools provides opportunities for working together (both for the staff and the students) and the schools are able to secure some economies of scale which is helpful to both schools in enhancing their educational offer for students and families.