The Green School for Boys

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Student Development and Enrichment

We believe in the value of enrichment activities as an essential educational experience both within and outside of the classroom. We offer a series of educational enrichment visits that take place throughout the year, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to access learning outside of the classroom which further enables their personal  development, confidence, social skills and a sense of community. We also enagage students through the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge, the Brilliant Club.

We are extremely proud of the fact that The Green School for Boys was graded "OUTSTANDING" by Ofsted for Personal Development in February 2020, and we will continue to build on this area for our students as the school grows.


"Leaders provide a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their skills and interests within and outside the school day. There is an extended school day on Wednesday each week and pupils take part in activities such as coding, boxercise, indoor rowing, Latin and debating. Leaders record which activities pupils do and ensure that all pupils are making the most of the opportunities."