The Green School for Boys

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Physical Education

Head of Physical Education - Mr S Hollins


Our intent is to develop an ethos of participation, enjoyment and performance across all sporting activities.  We want every student can leave school with a broad base of skills that will allow them to access sporting activities at a recreational or competitive level later on in life. We aim to develop the physical, social and emotional character of our students, providing active, challenging and dynamic learning situations.


In particular our students will:

  • Show resilience when learning new skills or developing existing skills
  • Approach every activity with a ‘can do’ attitude
  • Understand the benefits of living a healthy, active lifestyle
  • Apply a collaborative work ethic to each activity
  • Develop and enhance their interpersonal skills in co-operative and competitive situations.
  • Appreciate the importance of personal qualities relating to sportsmanship and fair play.
  • Develop self-esteem and self-confidence, irrespective of ability
  • Learn how to evaluate their own and others performance, providing suggestions for how to improve skills and techniques.


What is Physical Education?

Physical education is the study of physical movement, safety and health and well-being. Physical education helps develop and maintain confidence, well-being and social skills that can be more difficult to achieve through other subjects. This opportunity to develop your communication and teambuilding skills will benefit all aspects of your school and social life.

Why do we study Physical Education?

Physical Education involves constantly setting new goals and challenges, and working out the best way to meet them, either individually or collaboratively with others. Our main aim from all of our PE lessons is that students discover an activity that they will continue to participate in, either competitively or socially, once they leave school, and that they will lead a healthy, happy life as a result of this. In addition to the health benefits, PE teaches valuable life lessons about competition, teamwork and sportsmanship. We want to provide opportunities for students to try new sports and activities, and to become both adventurous and resilient.

What do we study?

  •  In Key Stage 3 we aim to provide opportunities for students to embed and apply a range of core skills across a number of different sports. We encourage the development of communication within a team environment as well as an understanding of the tactics and the rules and regulations of the sports we deliver.
  • All students have Core PE lessons in KS4 which provide an opportunity to apply and practice the skills developed in KS3 in a socially competitive environment. Those students who chose to study GCSE PE will explore more of the theoretical concepts of the subject, whilst aiming to perform to a high level across 3 sports.

To view a full summary of our P.E. curriculum please click here for KS3 and here for KS4

To view information about Sport and Physical Activity CTEC at the Green School Sixth Form please click here

At the Green School for Boys’ we use the above teaching to ensure that our curriculum is well-rounded, balanced, and  supports all the boys to develop as healthy young individuals. 


 How do we study Physical Education? 

Physical Education is a practical subject, which requires high levels of engagement and participation from all students in every lesson. In order to make progress in lessons, good listening skills are required, as well as being able to accurately replicate actions and movements shown in demonstrations. Knowledge and understanding will be tested through regular questioning, observations and both self and peer evaluation. Attendance to extra-curricular clubs can help further develop knowledge and confidence in a particular sport or activity.

Presentation of Work 

The best way to prepare for lessons is to be organised! Students should always know which activity they will be taking part in and have the correct kit ready. It is important that you give your very best, all of the time, the performance you produce in each lesson is how the teacher will determine your level of progress.

 Home Learning

Our expectation of students is that they take part in regular physical activity outside of lessons, whether that is through our co-curricular offer at school, participating at a local sports club, or just socially with friends and family. We also encourage an interest in following sporting events through the media, to help better understand the role that Sport plays in our society.

 Co - curricular activities

The PE department provides a broad co-curricular programme before school, lunchtime and after school which complements the wider aspects of the school community. Activities on offer vary depending on the seasons, but can range from traditional team sports such as football, basketball and cricket to more individual activities such as indoor rowing, table tennis, badminton and athletics.

How parents/carers can support their children

Regular physical activity is a lifestyle choice, and one which can easily be supported at home. Encouraging your son to spend 30-60 minutes a day doing light to moderate exercise such as walking to and from school, playing in the park or taking the dog for a walk is a great way to start. If they are keen, you can look for a local club where they can meet new friends and benefit from structured training and competition in a sport they enjoy. If you would like help in finding a local club, please get in touch and we can put you in touch with one of the local clubs we have links with.



  • Formative assessment and verbal feedback takes place during lessons, through discussion with students either individually or in small groups.
  • Summative assessment focuses on generic skill acquisition rather than sport specific achievement.

Careers Leading on from Physical Education

  • The communication and teamwork skills, along with the scientific understanding you develop whilst studying Physical Education provide the skills required for a range of careers in sports and fitness as well as other industries that you may not have considered before. 
  • Some careers that you could consider doing after taking GCSE or A level PE include: Sports scientist, PE teacher, Physiotherapist, Sports coach/consultant, Personal trainer, Diet and fitness instructor, Sports psychologist, and many more.
  • To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here