The Green School for Boys

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Modern Foreign Languages

Head of Modern Foreign Languages - Mrs L Essadok


Our intent is to create and develop enthusiastic and independent linguists through an engaging and challenging curriculum which values the strengths of all and celebrates success. By promoting cultural awareness we aim to develop our students into global citizens of the 21st  Century.


In particular our student will:

  • Achieve success in languages through the use of songs, interactive games, mimes and competitions
  • Develop linguistic skills through extension tasks and more complex authentic material
  • Appreciate and develop their interest in languages 
  • Write at varying length using a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures that they have learnt 
  • Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity  through roleplays, discussions and asking questions
  • Develop strong, lifelong linguistic skills and become curious and interested in the world so that they can be more open and adaptable to new experiences
  • Value the importance of languages in our modern society 


What is Modern Foreign Languages?

Languages are part of the cultural richness of our society and the world in which we live and work. Learning languages gives students opportunities to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and to express themselves with increasing confidence, independence and creativity. They also enhance their overall literacy skills and broaden their cultural knowledge of the world we live in.The ability to understand and communicate in another language is a lifelong skill for education, employment and leisure in this country and throughout the world.

 Why do we study Modern Foreign Languages?

From Year 7 onwards we regularly remind our students of the need to have the skills which will benefit them in their adult lives as they enter a global marketplace. So many of our students already speak a variety of world languages and we advocate the value of these as well as the languages we teach through Key Stages 3 and 4 into our Sixth Form and on to University and their future careers. Most of all we promote the idea that language learning is fun and to be enjoyed and how even a small amount of language can be of great use whatever the career path.

What do we study?

At Key Stage 3 students study either Spanish or French.  Students cover a range of everyday topics and practice their skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation.  We use a variety of authentic learning resources, all of which prepare students for studying a language at GCSE and for using language in real life situations.  All students are given the option to continue studying one language at Key Stage 4.  The Key Stage 4 course will follow on from the work done in previous years and therefore students who have enjoyed the subject and felt successful so far may continue to do so.

To view a full summary of our Modern Foreign Languages curriculum please click on the links below:

French KS3

French Year 10 

French Year 11 

 Spanish KS3

Spanish Year 10 

Spanish Year 11


 To view information about Modern Foreign Languages at the Green School Sixth Form please click the relevant link for French and Spanish


How do we study Modern Foreign Languages?

  • In the MFL Department a collaborative and creative approach to teaching and learning is embedded within daily practice and future planning. The department endeavours to make learning languages fun and meaningful, providing students with many opportunities for both collaboration and independent work in each lesson. Teaching is conducted as much as possible in the Target Language and students are encouraged to communicate with each other and with their teacher in the foreign language during everyday classroom situations. Our MFL department is an enthusiastic and dedicated team of linguists who encourage students to progress in all four skill areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing while bringing languages alive through a range of interactive and varied lessons (IWB, worksheets, songs, mimes and language games).
  • The MFL department has high expectations for all students and the climate for learning encompasses the contributions of all abilities; we trust in the success of each student. A range of strategies, such as group talk, think-pair-share, role plays are employed to create a classroom culture where learning from others is valued.
  • To support and challenge our students, we follow the VIVA course in Spanish and Studio course in French with access to Active Learn (an online resource for students to reinforce their learning) and provide them with additional resources such as a vocabulary and grammar booklets which develops and extends their classwork and homework.  They also have access to several language websites (e.g. Seneca Learning, Blooket, languages online, etc...).

Presentation of Work

Good presentation of work is  important. We encourage students to be proud of their achievements by doing their best work and presenting it well.

  • All work should have a date and a title, underlined with a ruler
  • All written work should be in blue or black pen
  • Handwriting should be as neat and legible as possible
  • All work should be valued and completed to the best of the student's ability
  • Drawing should be in pencil unless directed by the teacher
  • Mistakes should be crossed out neatly with a ruled single line
  • Any marked piece of work which is followed by a question should be responded to, or a reflection made regarding the work with a green pen
  • There should be no graffiti either on or in the books

A marking criteria checklist is stuck on the inside front cover of each exercise book and encourages and reminds students on how to present their classwork.

Home Learning

  •  Challenging home learning tasks are set in line with the school policy. Home learning will be appropriate for the Key Stage of the student. Home learning is used to consolidate learning, deepen understanding, support them in their linguistic and cultural knowledge and prepare students for the work to come.
  • Home learning tasks are varied. For example, in KS3 students could be set a learning vocabulary task, reading comprehension task, memorising role plays/discussions or writing a paragraph about the topic studied in lessons.
  • Students have a responsibility to complete all home learning tasks set to the best of their ability and to hand in tasks on time.

Co-curricular activities

  • The Green School for Boys will be adventurous and is keen for all our boys to have the opportunity to undertake an overseas visit.
  • Students in year 9 are encouraged to attend a language film club  with the aim of broadening their cultural and linguistic horizons.

How parents/carers can support their children 

  • Vocabulary learning: help your child learn or/memorise words and short phrases. Just as you have worked with your child on tables and spellings, you can do the same routine with language vocabulary.
  • Encourage your child to use: LOOK, SAY ,COVER, WRITE and CHECK when learning new words or phrases.
  • Talk to your child about what they are learning in MFL. Show an interest, encourage them to teach you a few words or phrases on a regular basis - have fun with it.
  • Encourage your son to be an active participant during class time. If they take part in lessons, they will feel more motivated and make more progress.
  • Check that your child is fully equipped for MFL lessons. They should always remember their exercise book, vocabulary and grammar booklet, pens and always complete and hand in home learning tasks on time.
  • Encourage them to watch films, cartoons, songs,  the news/things that talk about current affairs with english subtitles.
  • Encourage your child in making the most in any language opportunities you might have. You might have a French or Spanish neighbour, family friend, relative or go on holiday abroad.

 Recommended reading


  • KS3 spanish workbook and KS3 spanish study guide (CGP)
  • Collins School - Collins GEM spanish school dictionary
  • Easy learning Spanish grammar and practise (Collins)


  • Asterix- Tintin - Mafalda- Mortadelo y Filemón



 We recognise that our role is to ensure all students at TGSB make progress. We know we need to evaluate the effect we have on students and we believe that our marking and feedback policy should support us in our work in identifying where students are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get them there. We believe in a marking policy that is designed firmly for the students.

  • Each term, students will complete one formal assessment with a focus on listening/reading, writing or speaking; during the course of each year. There  will also be regular spelling and grammar assessments.
  • Peer assessment may be used for some speaking assessments and guidance is provided with success criteria.
  • Self-assessment is used in vocabulary tests. Criteria for RAG and guidance on Next step are provided in the “Unit of work checklist”.
  • Literacy and marking worksheets will also help students understand marking phrases in the Target Language and also to interpret the symbols used to correct grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Careers Leading on from Modern Foreign Languages

  •  Employers value the key skills developed by language learners. Tthese include: communication skills, team working skills, interpersonal skills, presentation skills, problem solving skills, organisational skills and good learning strategies.
  • The range of combined degrees and further education courses involving a language is also limitless – from Accountancy with French to Law with Spanish.
  • In a globalised world characterised by international links and intercultural connections, linguistic skills are crucial for employment and enhance career opportunities in the areas of Media and Journalism, Politics, Travel & Tourism, Engineering, Hospitality, Export ...and more! 

 To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here