The Green School for Boys

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Parents & Carers

Dear Parents and Carers,

 We will be updating this page of the website with the latest news and information for you.  

Instrumental and Vocal Lessons - Autumn 2024


Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our commitment to developing the Arts at The Green School for Boys, we work with Hounslow Music Service to provide the opportunity for students to receive music tuition during the school day. These lessons are in addition to the curriculum music lessons taught as part of the school timetable and are delivered by teachers from Hounslow Music Service.

Fees for 2023/24 - per term

Individual lessons 20 minutes x 10 lessons £148.55

Paired lessons 30 minutes x 10 lessons £111.45

(If another student is not available for the paired lesson your son will have a 15 minute individual lesson)

The following instruments are available;

Brass - trumpet, trombone, french horn, tuba

Woodwind - flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe

Orchestral strings - violin, viola, cello

Guitar - acoustic, electric and bass guitar

Drum kit



Numerous studies have shown that pupils who come out of class for instrumental lessons do not fall behind their peers, but in fact do better. It is recommended that you opt for paired lessons as it has been shown that young people make better progress learning an instrument with their peers than on their own.

If you wish for your son to take up instrumental lessons after the Summer break please contact the school by emailing to discuss the instrument and lesson type.

The payment item will then be set up on ParentPay. Full payment must be made by the deadline that will be stated. Please note that failure to make payment by the deadline may result in your son not being allocated a place for lessons.


Your child will need an instrument for their lessons. The Green School for Boys do not hire instruments, however you can hire instruments through Hounslow Music Service, depending upon availability. They are also able to offer an Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme for pupils in a LA maintained school or Academy, whereby pupils receiving tuition through the service may be able to purchase new instruments at 0% VAT. Students taking drum and keyboard lessons will use instruments provided by the school for their lessons. Click here for a link to the website HMS - Instrument Hire

Other opportunities to extend musical confidence

Now that covid-19 restrictions are lifted we strongly recommend that your child take the opportunity to make music with others, whether through Hounslow Music Service or through opportunities within The Green School for Boys. This develops their musicianship skills and confidence and is an opportunity for them to contribute to the school community. It also opens up a world of concerts and co-curricular activities and links to perform with The Green School for Girls and other annual events.

Instrumental Lessons - Terms and Conditions 2024-25

Fees - to be paid in advance - per term

Paired lessons 10 x 30 minutes £111.45

Individual lessons 10 x 20 minutes £148.55

Please note, that deadlines for payment must be adhered to in order to ensure that your son secures his place according to the allocation criteria below

Allocation Criteria

Instrumental lessons are popular at The Green School for Boys. The school will endeavour to meet all requests for instrumental lessons. In the event of oversubscription for any instrument the following criteria will apply:

  1. Students continuing lessons at TGSB who have paid by the deadline will receive first priority

  2. Students who are continuing lessons from their primary school will receive second priority

  3. New students will be allocated on a first come first served basis

  4. Students who pay by the deadline

Students who do not pay by the deadline or for whom there is no space available will be put on a waiting list.

Support for Fees

If your son is interested in learning an instrument and is in receipt of Pupil Premium, you may be able to receive support for the fees. Please contact the school via email on to enquire about any available support.

Credits and refunds

Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that the teacher provides 10 lessons per term, in some cases this may not be possible. If this is the case, they will attempt to deliver an additional lesson during the following term, or a credit note will be applied to your fees for the next term. If your son does not continue with lessons, or an additional lesson is not possible you will be eligible for a refund, equal to the cost of the number of incomplete lessons, paid back via your Parent Pay account.

Please note that we will not issue refunds for lessons missed through student absence or illness. Where lessons occur at the same time as a school trip or visit, we will not be able to refund or credit the cost of a missed lesson.

Withdrawals from courses of lessons

Once payment has been made for the term, should you wish to withdraw your son from lessons, we will not be able to refund the cost of the lessons, unless another student is on the waiting list and is able to take the place.


Instrumental/vocal teachers are expected to follow the guidance set out in Hounslow Music Service’s current curriculum documents. Hounslow Music Service instrumental/vocal teachers provide a comprehensive annual report in June.

Please retain these documents for your future reference.

The Green School for Boys

Twickenham Road

t: 020 3019 8444


A message from the Medical Room

Dear Parents/Carers,
Can we please ask parents/carers to remind their sons to carry their own refillable water bottles, especially during periods of warmer weather. The school has plenty of water fountains that the students can use to refill their water bottles at break times. Reception is also currently looking after a small supply of lost water bottles, therefore if you think your child may have lost his bottle please encourage him to come to reception to check.
We are also aware that hay fever can make school life difficult for young people, particularly during the summer months and the grass pollen season (typically May - beginning of September), which affects the majority of those with hay fever. Hay fever symptoms can lead to disrupted sleep, which affects alertness and the ability to concentrate. The symptoms are often unpleasant and in a classroom setting, they can be extremely difficult to manage. To ensure that your child’s hay fever is successfully managed, please administer your child’s hay fever medication at the beginning of the day before they come to school.

Here are some tips to help your child get through the summer term:

  • Commonly used treatments: antihistamine nose sprays, steroid nose sprays, antihistamine tablets or liquid and anti-allergy eye drops. These can take several days to take effect, so need to be administered daily, over several weeks; and then continued until the end of the pollen season.

  • Help your child get a good night’s sleep by keeping windows closed overnight in their bedroom. Make sure they wash their hair/face and change their clothes before they get into bed so that pollen is not transferred onto their bed sheets/pillow.

Kind Regards,
Miss Willis
TGSB Welfare Assistant

 Immunisation Leaflet from the School Immunisation Team

immunisation leaflet docx.pdf