The Green School for Boys

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Director of Music - Mr H Ross
Deputy Director of Music - Miss S Barrow


Our intent is to inspire, motivate and encourage all our students to develop their creativity, confidence, communication and intellectual curiosity through the joy of music making; to enhance their understanding and appreciation of music as a language that connects people, place and identity; to nurture the inner musician in each student;  to enable them to appreciate and make music for solace, for sharing, for entertainment, for wellbeing; to provide them with a range of opportunities which strengthen their musical skills and enable music to play an important part in rest or their lives.


In particular our students will:

  • Understand the art of performance and communication through singing and instrumental work
  • Develop their creativity through composition and the use of technology
  • Broaden their cultural experiences through listening to a wide range of music
  • Respect, appreciate and support others in their music making
  • Acquire analytical language and technical skills in music
  • Never say “I can’t do music”


What is Music?

Music is the art of sound. Through combinations of rhythm, melody, harmony and form music creates a vehicle for expression, narrative, intellectual stimulus and beauty. Music touches the soul and brings people together.  Without words music can communicate the deepest emotions and  the strongest connections. "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything". Plato

 Why do we study Music?

In addition to the value of music as an art form, the study of music enables students to develop confidence, creativity, social and team working skills, listening, appraising and evaluative skills, commitment, resiliance, practise and organisational skills, technical ability, identity and cultural appreciation.

What do we study?

  •  In Key Stage 3 students study a range of musical styles through the key skills of performing, composing, listening, appraising and the use of technology.
  • The GCSE course builds on this, enabling students to develop their analytical, performance and compositional skills  through the study of set works, genres and practical tasks.
  • In the Sixth form students can choose to continue studying Music as an A Level subject. 

To view a full summary of our Music curriculum please click here for KS3 and here for KS4

To view information about Music A level at the Green School Sixth Form please click  here


 How do we study Music? 

Lessons involve learning the three skills of Listening & Appraising, Composing and Performing.  Lessons are interactive and encourage a variety of learning methods which allow students to work on their own, in a pair or as part of a group. Students are able to engage with music via a variety of instruments such as keyboards, ukuleles, djembes, singing and through the use of music technology. Different genres of music from across the world are explored giving pupils a wide cultural experience.

Presentation of Work 

Much work is mainly practical, but as with written tasks, the practical execution of a piece of work should be presented with pride and care given to detail. In ensemble work individuals should enable all members of the group to flourish.

 Home Learning

Home learning helps students prepare for their next lesson and consolidate their learning. Tasks could involve research, practise, rehearsal or evaluation.

 Co - curricular activities

  • Choir, Orchestra, Steel bands, Worship Band, Keyboard Club, Ukulele Group and Composition Club.
  • Termly concerts and the annual Trust Carol Service.
  • Instrumental work through Hounslow music service. Please click here for more details. 
  • Links to English National Opera and educational visits.

How parents/carers can support their children

  • Encourage your child to make, play or sing music as an alternative to "screen time" .
  • Share your own musical tastes and discuss why you like a particular style to expand musical vocabulary.
  • Encourage your child to listen to a range of music such as different radio stations.
  • If there are younger children and babies in the home sing together to develop language acquisition skills and bonding.
  • Attend concerts and performances.
  • If they learn or would like to learn an instrument, join a choir or music group, support this and give them confidence in their musical abilities.

Recommended Reading

Key Stage 3

  • My First Keyboard - Learn To Play: Kids (Ben Parker)
  • Music: the definitive visual history (Dorling Kindersley)

 Key Stage 4



  • Formative assessment will take place in lessons through instrumental and singing practice, listening and appraising. 
  • Summative assessment takes place at the end of a unit, through performance or composition submission, where strengths and improvements are identified and students respond to this feedforward. 
  • There are formal examinations at the end of each year.

Careers Leading on from Music

  • Subject specific roles include: performer; composer (classical, film, game music, popular music) conductor; session musician; instrumental teacher; music therapist; teacher; production assistant; radio presenter; programme researcher; arts administrator; editorial assistant; marketing assistant; 
  • Employers value the tenacity, creativity, innovation and analystical capacity that a musician brings. The big corporates rate these skills and see these as an asset to their business. Therefore studying music to a high level gives prospective candidates an advantage in a range of careers.
  • To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here