The Green School for Boys

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 Head of Faculty of Business and Computer Science - Mr R Moore


Our intent is to inspire our students to act and think like entrepreneurs, business owners and business executives.  We build their competence through a mix of business theory and case studies that assists them to build this mindset and practical business skills.

 In particular our students will:

  • learn what makes a successful entrepreneur by researching successful companies and their founders and owners
  • study market research and how this assists enterprises grow and flourish
  • learn how to assess the internal and external factors that impact on businesses
  • learn  how to develop a business plan
  • investigate options for growing a business

What is Business?

The term business refers to an organisation or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. The purpose of a business is to organise some sort of economic production of goods or services. Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organisations fulfilling a charitable mission or furthering a social cause. Businesses range in scale and scope from sole proprietorships to large, international corporations.

Why do we study Business?

Business knowledge and skills are in  high demand in any organisation. Business is an important part of the any sector and plays a major role in the UK’s global economic status. The role of entrepreneurs is to help create opportunities for their community, wealth for the nation and its citizens through the creation of enterprises that innovate and grow the economy. You may decide that  running your own business is exactly what you want to do, however if you don’t, the skills and knowledge you acquire from studying Business are in high demand from employers. Business assists in developing life skills, attitudes and behaviours.

What do we study? 

Students will explore Business through learning about entrepreneurial skills and characteristics, how to spot a business opportunity using market research and market mapping, how to put a business idea into practice by identifying aims and objectives, sources of income for start up businesses and completing financial analysis. Students will learn about business ownership structures and how to make a business using the marketing mix. Students look into a range of external factors that affect business success including stakeholders, legislation, unemployment, tax, inflation, consumer income and exchange rates. Students will progress their thinking beyond the start-up stage and learn how to success build and grow a business, taking into account operations, human resources and the impact of globalisation, ethics and the environment.

To view a full summary of our KS4 Business curriculum please click here

To view information about BTEC Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at The Green School Sixth Form please click here

To view information about A level Economics at The Green School Sixth Form please click here

To view information about A level Business at The Green School Sixth Form please click here


How do we study Business? 

Business is studied through learning theoretical concepts, applying acquired knowledge to case studies and researching real life scenarios. We focus on core skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening as well as developing digital literacy using G-Suite and PCs.

Presentation of Work 

Students will complete work in exercise books and using G-Suite. Whichever platform or medium we are working on, students are expected to take pride in their work at all times and review their own learning.

Home Learning

Students are given Business home learning on a weekly basis. Home learning tasks are designed to support knowledge acquisition through a combination of consolidation questions, research tasks and evaluation practice.

Co - curricular activities

The Tycoon Enterprise Competition is a unique national enterprise competition for students aged 6 to 18. Every participating team writes a business plan, is lent money, starts a business and trades, and competes with other student companies.

The Tycoon Enterprise Competition is offered year 12 and 13 as part of their enrichment programme. 

In addition we participate in targeted enrichment activities with multinational organisations such as Sky and Accenture and local universities such as the University of West London.

How parents/carers can support their children

You can further assist your son by ensuring that they have access to our Google classroom from home and supporting their interest in Business by watching Dragon’s Den and The Apprentice. 

It is also really important to be aware of current events that are affecting the business sector and the economy - you can do this by regularly listening to the BBC News on the radio or a smart speaker, downloading the BBC News app and reading the business and UK economy pages, and regularly reading the business pages in a newspaper. 

Recommended Reading

  • BBC bitesize pages
  • No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram by Sarah Frier
  • The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone
  • Small Giants: Companies That Choose to be Great Instead of Big by Bo Burlingham
  • Elon Musk: A Biography of an Entrepreneur by Joseph Greene
  • Happy Sexy Millionaire: Unexpected Truths about Fulfilment, Love and Success by Steven Bartlett
  • The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google by Scott Galloway
  • 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd by Allan Dib



Formative assessment will take place in lessons through discussion and questioning. Teachers feedforward with verbal comments on how to improve on skills. 

Students are formally assessed through two external examinations.

The external assessments are set and marked by Pearson, completed under supervised conditions. The assessments will be completed in the summer exam series in year 11.

 Careers Leading on from Business

GCSE Business  will prepare you to enter into the world of work, business and self employment in any industry or sector of the economy.

The Business GCSE and will fulfil entry requirements to study a range of A levels, including Business, Economics or Enterprise at level 3 (Sixth Form study).

 To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here