Head of English: Mr S Lodge
Key Stage 3 English: Mr M Roberts
Key Stage 4 English: Ms L El-Nagar
Key Stage 5 English Language: Dr A Smith
“We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”
Our aim is to provide an education in English Language and English Literature which empowers students as critical and imaginative readers and writers, and as confident speakers and listeners.
In particular our students will:
In particular our students will scaffold their learning around the following ideas about what English is and can be:
E EXPLORE, EXPERIMENT AND EVALUATE: through prose, poetry and drama how empathic relationships are established
N NARRATIVES: NOW AND THEN: alongside responsive formative and summative assessment
L LITERACY: a love of learning that values how literature and language serve the community, as well as locally, nationally and internationally
I IMAGINATIVE, INVESTIGATIVE AND INCLUSIVE: embeds the themes of ‘Our Worlds, Our Lives’ AQA Poetry Anthology across each year.
S SPEECH: that rehearses, responds to and respectfully challenges others viewpoints and perspectives
H HEARTS AND MINDS: expanding through skills, transferable knowledge and conceptual understanding, in readiness for KS4 and beyond
Through the above our students will:
- experience and enjoy a range of literature from different times and places.
- access a range of texts which inclusively represent identity, selfhood and experience.
- value diversity, recognising and respecting different faiths, cultures and perspectives.
- understand the features of a range of non-fiction text forms.
- master written and spoken communication for different purposes.
- become increasingly agile as readers, able to interpret, infer, evaluate and critique.
- practise creative exploration, adapting form, style and purpose when writing.
- learn how to research topics, persuade audiences and argue a case effectively.
- gain skills in oracy, managing spoken presentation to influence and affect listeners.
- work independently and collaboratively.
What is English?
In English, we experience and appreciate texts from different periods and places; we understand the features of a range of text forms; we enjoy the aesthetics of literary texts, and we gain agency through mastery of spoken and written communications for different purposes.
Why do we study English?
English Language and English Literature empower students as critical and imaginative readers and writers, and as confident speakers and listeners.
What do we study?
In Years 7 to 11, students follow a course towards GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature. Our five year course is shaped around the core components of these GCSEs, assimilating a broad range of content in that learning journey: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing; Viewpoints and Perspectives; Shakespeare; Nineteenth Century Prose; Modern Texts and Poetry.
To view a full summary of our English curriculum please click here for KS3 and here for KS4
To view information about English A level at the Green School Sixth Form please click here for English Literature A level and here for English Language A level
How do we study in English?
In English, students are expected to focus on the core activities of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students should always show respect, kindness and a determination to be the best they can.
Presentation of Work
Students are expected to take pride in their work and review their own learning. We teach writing as a process, from planning to drafting to final presentation; we encourage students as writers to maintain a clear sense of purpose and audience.
Home Learning
Students are given English homework on a weekly basis. They are asked to have with them novels for sessions of ‘Drop Everything And Read’, choosing fiction to read for pleasure both in school and at home.
Co-curricular activities
We offer lunch-time clubs in loving literature, and master classes in literary studies. In the ‘Hounslow Team Read’ students share reviews with readers from other schools.
How parents/carers can support their children
Parents can support their sons’ progress in English by encouraging wide reading for pleasure and information, including literature and non-fiction texts in news media. Conversations at home about reading and homework can reinforce learning at school, as can visits to libraries and the theatre.
Recommended Reading
Crystal, David: ‘The Cambridge Encyclopedia of English Language’ (Cambridge University Press, 2018) ISBN-10: 1108437737
Eaglestone, Robert: ‘Doing English: A Guide For Literature Students (Routledge, 2017) ISBN-10 : 1138039675
Students are asked to review the quality of their learning in English against given objectives. Teachers feed forward, guiding students with spoken and written comments on how to improve skills. Formal tests in English Language and English Literature give students the practice they need to develop technique and succeed in public examinations.
Careers Leading on from English
English is certainly a subject in which employers take a close interest. Skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening are relevant across the job market and are transferable from one role to another. English qualifications are clearly important for careers in communications, marketing, teaching and journalism, to name just some; but English is a subject which provides a foundation for a wide variety of careers.
To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here.