The Green School for Boys

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Incarnational – “As I have loved you, so you must love one another” John 13:34

The Chaplaincy is led by Chaplains from Kick London and supported by the local clergy and the Bishop of Kensington. The Chaplaincy is an integrated part of the The Green School Trust (TGST) community while also being a visible symbol of the Church, and most significantly of the love of Christ. The Chaplains have the opportunity to model Christ-likeness in all aspects of each school’s daily life; in the ordinary and the operational as well as in the more transcendent tasks. As a focal point of the Christian ethos, the Chaplains can offer alternative ways of interacting and relating both to staff and students. In the day to day of life, the Chaplains can attempt to teach and nurture from the point of their own humanity the reality of our experience of working out what it is for fallen humanity to be holy, with consistency and integrity.

In practice, this means being involved in as much of the activity of each school as possible – to be seen and to be present, to serve and to extend grace.

Pastoral – “Come with me, by yourselves, to a quiet place and get some rest” Mark 6:31

The Faith Space at TGSB and the Chaplains can provide sanctuary, a welcoming place where people can just “be” –  without any form of assessment. The role of the Chaplains is the same as that of a parish priest, to listen with grace and extend the love of God into the lives of those around them. TGST has a fundamental commitment to the flourishing of each student and staff member as a human being. 

In practice this means the Chaplains spend time with individuals – both staff and students – listening and giving them space to think and feel. The Chaplains meet  with the Heads of School and Inclusion teams and provide additional support for students. The meets bi-weekly with the CEO & Executive Headteacher and is involved in keeping the Christian Ethos in the conversation as both strategic and operational discussions take place.

Worshipful – “God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find, though he is not far from any one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’” Acts 17:27-28

The Chaplains acts as a focal point for the worshipping life of our school communities; it is a key responsibility of the Chaplains to encourage spiritual enquiry and growth and to inspire opportunities for the TGST community to experience the awesome presence of God. In order to be able to do this, the Chapel and Faith Space  need to be a place of prayer, worship and peace and the Chaplains need to be a person of prayer, worship and peace.

In practice, this means the Chaplains are responsible for the production of the half-termly Assembly Booklet to support the leading of Assemblies by staff and students. The Chaplains support the preparation and presentation of services and assemblies as well as leading a number of significant assemblies per term.


The Chaplain works with a group of Chapel Ambassadors  who help their Form Tutors in matters of the Worship Life of the school. The intention is their leadership skills within this role as well as their commitment to worship.

The Chaplain’s role includes regular prayer for each individual member of staff and making sure they know that they are being prayed for so they feel supported and can put forward specific needs for prayer, as they arise. Also for prayer is the life and safety of every aspect of the school, giving thanks to God for His goodness to us.