The Green School for Boys

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Careers Education

Careers Leader Ms J Virani


Our intent is to ensure that all our learners choose the 14-19 pathways that are right for them, are fully prepared for opportunities in the wider world and are able to manage their careers, achieving personal and economic well-being throughout their lives. 

In particular our students should: 

  • have access to the full range of impartial careers advice and employers to allow them to consider all their options. 
  • be introduced to employability skills and understand the strengths needed to be successful in the workplace.
  • be able to understand how the wide range of curriculum subjects link to careers and make the best choices for their future studies as well as gaining an overview of the changing world of work.
  • by the end of KS5, have a clear idea about the variety of options available to them and know how to make successful applications to engage on the future pathway of their choice.


All students across Year 7-13 will have a Compass Talk assembly every half term, focusing on labour market information and employability skills for one sector of employment. These are delivered through tutor time sessions.

Year 7

The PSHCE Programme for Year 7 includes lessons based on Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance. The topics include: 

  • Employability Skills
  • Law
  • Diversity and knowing your rights
  • Financial literacy, with support from MyBnk

As well as the above, students take part in: 

  • Local business visits, including Sky Studios for some pupils
  • Enterprise challenges
  • STEAM programmes through STEAM week. 

These topics are revisited by each year group at KS3.

Year 8

During the summer term, students are encouraged to think about career pathways and receive small group sessions to provide direction in this area.

As well as the above students take part in:

  • Financial Literacy - My Bnk
  • CISCO Smart Schools Workshop
  • Houses of Parliament visit

Year 9

In Year 9 students focus on their option choices through PSHCE lessons using programmes such as Barclay Life Skills and I-Could to help build up a personal profile. Time is spent looking at option choices and their relevance for future courses. Students are all interviewed as part of the options process. Specific events include:

  • Careers Convention 
    • Making the Right Choices at GCSE Activity Day  
    • Specialist Interviews for potential NEET and LAC students
  • Targeted sessions led in conjunction with the school Enterprise Advisor

Year 9 students who take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will conduct 3-6 months of volunteering work and will be encouraged to make links between this and their CEIAG work within school.

KS4 and 5 Provision

At KS4 our Careers Programme strengthens the link between careers and curriculum alongside supporting Post-16 choices. Student activities include: 

Business visits, workshops, and talks with partners including CISCO and Dentsu

University talks and visit including St Mary’s University, Leeds University and local FE Colleges

Future Leaders programme for access to super-curricular materials for pupils with the highest aspirations

All Year 11 students have access to at least one CEIAG interview to support and guide Post-16 choices. 

Year 11 are invited to attend lunchtime talks and alumni events.


We are proud to confirm that we have already achieved five out of a possible eight Gatsby Benchmarks. 

Students are taught as a whole class or in small groups. Speakers are invited into school as appropriate and Specialist Targeted Days are also organised. 

Throughout the year other events include our annual Careers Convention, apprenticeship workshops, business and employability workshops, workplace visits as well as a STEM Extravaganza during National Careers Week when we deliver a variety of workshops and specialist career talks. Local Employers also come into school on a regular basis to work with students. 

Our curricular and co-curricular provision is broad and diverse to ensure that as far as possible every student is able to experience an encounter with an employer at least once every year of their school journey.


Our CEIAG provision is reviewed through the Quality Assurance whole school process. We monitor and review Careers Events through staff on-line surveys and student evaluations. These are used to inform our strategic planning and feed into the whole school development plan. As part of our quality assurance, the planning of co-curricular events takes into account individual student participation to secure frequent opportunities for all students. 


The Green School Trust is a  member of the Hounslow CEIAG Network group. 



If you are interested in providing Careers Information, workshops or activities to our students please click here to read The Green School Trust Provider Access Policy. To view the list of organisations with whom we are currently working to support our Careers Programme please click here.


