The Green School for Boys

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Emergency School Closure

The latest information will be available on the homepage of the  school website.


Please use the website as your first port of call.


If the school is on Red status then it is fully closed.

If the school is on Amber status the school may be partially open. Please read the details on the website.

The school will return to Green status once the school reopens after any closure.


Early morning closure

If there is any reason that the school cannot open in the morning, the school will do the following:

  • Put a message on the home-page of the school website by 7am
  • Email all parents and staff once a decision has been taken to reopen the school.


Please do not assume that the school is closed if there has been snow overnight.  If there is no message on the website then the school is open as normal.  We will text all parents and staff once a decision has been taken to reopen the school.


Closure during the school day

If there is any reason that the school has to close once students and staff have arrived, the school will do the following:

  • Inform all students in school
  • Email all parents as soon as the decision has been taken
  • Put a message on the home-page of the school website as soon as is possible
  • Email all parents and staff once a decision has been taken to reopen the school.


Please do not assume that we will close the school because of inclement weather and please resist the temptation to phone the school as this will only jam the switchboard. Please  use the website as your first port of call.