The Green School for Boys

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Ofsted and SIAMS

As a Church of England Academy we are subject to inspection through the  Ofsted framework and the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). As a new free school we will be inspected by Ofsted in our third year (2019 - 2020) and received our pre-opening Oftsed inspection in July 2017 for which we met all the required standards. We will receive regular monitoring visits from the Department for Education until out first Ofsted inspection. We also follow our own self evaluation process as a tool to drive continuous school - improvement and ensure we are meeting our high standards and expectations.

Ofsted offer a service for parents to contribute to the school inspection process. This is via their Parent View website.

 We are delighted to announce our recent SIAMS inspection October 2019 graded the school the highest possible grade. Under the latest inspection framework the highest grade is Excellent and the school has been awarded Excellent under every category and Excellent overall.  We are very proud of this achievement and we would like to thank all our students, staff, parents and carers, Governors and other partners for their contribution to our "inclusive Church school".

 Below are the reports from our most recent Ofsted and SIAMS inspections.