The Green School for Boys

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Ethos and Vision

Our school motto is:

"Reach Beyond Your Grasp"

Our vision 

  •  To provide an excellent, aspirational, and enriching education for those of all faiths and none, where each member of our community is known, valued, safe and enabled to flourish; 
  • enable all members of our community to live life in all its fullness, explore and develop their God given talents and to celebrate their achievements, creativity, diversity and uniqueness;
  • support our students to live hope filled lives in harmony with others,  have a positive impact on  society and prepare them well for their future pathways;  
  • embrace our SERVICE values; 
  • empower our students and staff to let their light shine.

Our Values

  • SERVICE - we put others before ourselves with kindness
  • EXCELLENCE - we have high standards for ourselves and others in all that we do
  • RESPECT - we treat others how we would like to be treated
  • VALUE - we recognise the unique worth of each  other, ourselves and the environment and care for each accordingly
  • INTEGRITY - we are honest and trustworthy 
  • COMMUNITY - we contribute, collaborate and make a positive difference to our school and the wider community
  • EQUITY - we work to remove disadvantage, prejudice, bias and intolerance of any kind, and enable all to flourish

Our theologically rooted Christian vision 

Our theologically rooted christian vision is drawn from  the Church of England’s vision for education “deeply christian, serving the common good” which is grounded in Jesus’ promise of ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). This offers a vision of human flourishing for all that embraces excellence and academic rigour through the four elements of Wisdom, Hope, Community and Dignity. 

Our vision seeks to articulate this for our school community which is fully comprehensive and diverse, serving  students of different faiths and none from many ethnicities, socio -economic backgrounds, identities and heritages.  In line with the Church of England we believe that “The worth of each student impels us to work to fulfil their God-given potential, whatever the religious or other tradition with which they or their family identify, and with special consideration given to those who are disadvantaged”. Our school motto “ Reach Beyond your Grasp"  is an outworking of our vision for all students and staff, underpinned by John 10:10 "Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).  Our school culture is  focussed around the principle of the "Golden Rule" - "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12)  The christian character and foundation of our school drives our desire for students to "reach beyond"  with kindness and humility, expressing their God given talents by "reaching beyond their grasp" and enabling others to do the same to the glory of God. Our values have evolved from the  Trust's  historic Latin motto “Jubilate Deo, Servite cum laetitia” (Rejoice in the Lord and Serve with gladness Psalm 100 v 2) in order to bring alive the concept of service for our students today.

Going deeper


Our vision 

Church of England vision for education element

Church of England vision for education 

To provide an excellent, aspirational, and enriching education for those of all faiths and none, where each member of our community is known, valued, safe and enabled to flourish;

Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills

Good schools foster confidence, delight and discipline in seeking wisdom, knowledge, truth, understanding, know-how, and the skills needed to shape life well. They nurture

academic habits and skills, emotional intelligence and creativity across the whole range of school subjects, including areas

such as music, drama and the arts, information and other technologies,sustainable development,sport, and what one

needs to understand and practise in order to be a good person, citizen, parent, employee, team or group member, or leader.

enable all members of our community to live life in all its fullness, explore and develop their God given talents and to celebrate their achievements, creativity, diversity and uniqueness;

Dignity and Respect

Human dignity, the ultimate worth of each person, is central to good education. The basic principle of respect for the value of each person involves continual discernment, deliberation and action, and schools are one of the main places where this happens, and where the understanding and practices it requires are learned. This includes vigilant safeguarding. It is especially important that the equal worth of those with and without special educational needs and disabilities is recognized in practice. For the first time in history, there is now something approaching global agreement on the worth of each person through the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and its successor declarations, covenants and conventions, including that in 2006 on the rights of persons with disabilities. How that is worked out in each nation and each school is a massive task that calls on the inspiration and resources offered by each tradition of faith

and belief.

support our students to live hope filled lives in harmony with others,  have a positive impact on  society and prepare them well for their future pathways;  

Hope and Aspiration 

In the drama of ongoing life, how we learn to approach the future is crucial. Good schools open up horizons of hope and aspiration, and guide pupils into ways of fulfilling them. They

also cope wisely with things and people going wrong. Bad experiences and behaviour, wrongdoing and evil need not have

the last word. There are resources for healing,repair and renewal;repentance, forgiveness, truth and reconciliation are

possible; and meaning, trust, generosity, compassion and hope are more fundamental than meaninglessness,suspicion,

selfishness, hardheartedness and despair.

embrace our SERVICE values;

Community and Living well together

The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12)

We are only persons with each other: our humanity is ‘co-humanity’, inextricably involved with others, utterly relational, both in our humanity and our shared life on a finite planet. If those others are of ultimate worth then we are each called to responsibility towards them and to contribute responsibly to our communities. The good life is ‘with and for others in just institutions’ (Paul Ricoeur). So education needs to have a core focus on relationships and commitments, participation in communities and institutions, and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.

 empower our students and staff to Reach beyond their grasp"

‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)

Given those basics focusing on the pursuit of wisdom, knowledge and skills, on trust and hope in the good as more fundamental than the bad, on the centrality of relationships

and community, and on the dignity of each person, there is endless scope for deeper thinking and further applications,

improvisations and creativity. This is what we mean by life in all its fullness.

The Green School for Boys Charter

British Values at The Green School for Boys: 

At The Green School for Boys, we are committed to promoting fundamental British values. These values are integral to our school ethos and are embedded in our curriculum and school life. An example of our work can be found in the creation of The Green School For Boys Charter that goes back in 2021. The Charter was created by our Student Council and it is a statement that outlines the boys' commitment to be Ready, Respectful and Responsible. This enables our boys to engage with our school community and provides a reference point to our Christian ethos and values. 

the green school for boys charter.pdf

 Our vision and ethos guides our approach to all aspects of school life and sits within the vision of The Green School Trust.